The INAC, International Nuclear Atlantic Conference, promoted by ABEN, is a multidisciplinary initiative in the nuclear area aimed at the interests of research and technological development, at national and international levels. Important discussions between authorities in the area show the contribution of nuclear technology in the global expansion of the demand for energy, as well as in the improvement of products and services to improve the quality of life.

The target audience is technicians, researchers, professors and students linked to colleges, universities, research centers and industry, involved in works related to the nuclear area and covered by the topics of the event.

The Brazilian Association of Nuclear Energy (ABEN) will organize the 10th edition of the International Nuclear Atlantic Conference - INAC 2021, with the theme "Nuclear Technology: Reducing our carbon footprint and increasing quality of life", which will aim to promote a discussion on the essential role of nuclear science and technology in all its applications for the benefit and development of society. The Conference will discuss nuclear energy as a source that generates industrial demand, employment and socioeconomic development and contributes to environmental goals in the countries and regions in which it operates.

The event will take place from November 29 to 2 December, 2021 competely in a virtual format. The conference, which is held every two years, includes three embedded meetings, the XXII Meeting of Reactor Physics and Thermohydraulics (XXII ENFIR), the XIV Meeting of Nuclear Applications (XV ENAN), the VII Meeting of the Nuclear Industry (VII ENIN), the ExpoINAC exhibition and the 9th edition of Junior Poster Technical Sessions (a poster session for undergraduate students). INAC is the largest and most important event in the nuclear sector in Latin America, gathering more than one thousand registrations and three thousand participants and several companies and universities from all over the country.

For more information contact us:

Claudio Ubirajara C. de Almeida - Chair

Alexandre Gromann de A. Góes - Co-Chair