Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 501-1


Geotextile clogging?

Christopher1, Holtz2
1 FHWA - Federal Highway Administration, 2 UW - University of Washington


The absence of using existing design methods to mitigate clogging is recognized as a serious problem with the current practice. This paper provides a review of design practice for mitigating the clogging potential of a geotextile filter. Conditions impacting geotextile clogging potential that should be considered in design include geotextile type, soils to be filtered, hydraulic conditions, and the specific application. Design for complex soil and hydraulic conditions that create a high clogging potential are reviewed along with construction procedures required to alleviate the risk of clogging. Recent advances in design and testing, which should be incorporated into current practice, are also discussed. The conclusions section includes a summary of the methods reviewed in the paper that should be used by designers to alleviate and mitigate the concern for geotextile clogging.

 geotextile, geosynthetic, clogging, blinding, tests