Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 467-1


Use of Bituminous Geomembrane (BGM) to Waterproof Large Canals

Breul1, Escobar2
1 AXTER-COLETANCHE - Axter-Coletanche, 2 AXTER-IBÉRICA - Axter-Ibérica


A brief description of the structure of bituminous geomembranes (BGM), explaining its qualities in the hydraulic field based on test results. For this presentation, only large width canals will be described. The presentation will briefly describe the following projects: Canals for irrigation: in France, for the waterproofing of the Canal de Provence, in India, where the Nagpur region decided to abandon traditional concrete for a geomembrane. Navigable canals, in France where VNF (French Waterways) has chosen the bituminous membrane for waterproofing repairs of its canals. A work near Montargis will be presented as well as waterways in England (Lancaster Canal) and Canada (Chambly Canal). Hydroelectric power supply canals, at the Sankt Dyonisen power plant in the Alps in Austria and the Cumpeo power plant in the Maule region in Chile.

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