Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 391-1


Geomembrane for Raw Water Reservoir in Kalyani Steels in Hospet – Karnataka, South India

1 GOVT. ARTS COLLEGE - Government Arts College


A geomembrane is very low permeability synthetic membrane liner or barrier used with any geotechnical engineering related material so as to control fluid or gas migration in a human-made project, structure, or system control. This is a case study of using a high-quality Geomembrane for Water Reservoir in a Steel plant in Hospet Taluk of Bellary District in Karnataka, south India. A Reservoir is an open-air storage area where water is collected during rains (or Rainy season) and kept in quantity so that it may be drawn off for use during necessity like summer. The role of water-storage reservoirs, therefore, is to impound water during periods of higher flows, thus preventing flood disasters, and then permit gradual release of water during periods of lower flows. Simple storage reservoirs were probably created early in human history to provide water for drinking and for irrigation.


Water in a reservoir may be lost by surface evaporation, by seepage into the surrounding soil or rocks, and by seepage through dam foundations. Seepage losses ordinarily can be reduced to a great extent by using Geomembrane.

 Geomembrane, Synthetic Membrane, Geotechnical, Water Storage Reservoirs