Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 374-2


Use of Geosynthetics in the New Airport of Mexico City.

Hernández Cristobal, Gregorio1, Centurión, Carlos Antonio1


Until a few months ago, the New International Airport of Mexico City (NAICM), was being built in the Federal Zone of the Ex-Texcoco Lake, northwest region of the Valley of Mexico or also called Valley of Anahuac. This area was selected based on criteria such as functionality and efficiency, sustainability, technical feasibility, financial and work plan; flexibility for future growth and technological innovation, among others. However, the subsoil was the big problem to solve. The annual settlement rate in the area is very high; in fact, it is the area in the whole basin of Mexico that registers the highest sinking rate, approximately between 30 and 40 centimeters per year, because the materials that make up the foundation are excessively compressible soils. This type of material, in addition, can retain up to five times its volume of water, that is, they have 400 to 500% of gravimetric water content, which means that it is a highly deformable material.

It is under this scenario, a combination of vertical draining wicks with TRIAX multi-axial geogrids and non-woven polypropylene geotextiles were used to accelerate the consolidation of the foundation material and generate a uniform settlement to guarantee the stability of the large foundation slabs and NAICM airstrips. This project, until its stoppage towards the end of 2018, had approximately 31% of the work carried out and had already consumed more than 8 million square meters of TRIAX multiaxial geogrid, approximately 11 million m2 of geotextile and more than 70 million linear meters of wick drains, in stabilization of internal access roads, stabilization of the large foundation slab of the terminal, embarkation / disembarkation platforms, control tower and runways 2, 3 and 6, making it the largest work with the use of geosynthetics of the world.

In a complementary manner, the NAICM project included the expansion and construction of surrounding roads, such as the case of Lechería - Texcoco, Pirámides - Texcoco or the Circuito Exterior Mexiquense, among others, in which EPS blocks (geofoam) were used, coated with HDPE geomembranes, to reduce the load applied to the subsoil, as well as multi-axial geogrids for stabilization of soft subgrades.

 Geogrids, Geotextiles, Soft Soils