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GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 374-1


Retaining Wall with Synthetic Sheet Piling system and construction of pavements using geogrids and EPS Geofoam in the Cartagena to Barranquilla Highway.

Quintero, Wolliam Ricardo1, Centurión, Carlos Antonio1
1 TDM COLOMBIA - TDM Tecnología de Materiales Colombia


The present work aims to present the technology of synthetic sheet pile, commonly used in coastal applications this element is very useful because don’t are affected to the corrosion.

Coastal concession is a very important project of fourth generations, the ambitious project includes a grand viaduct with 5.5 km of length, these structures want to reduce 20 minutes in time of trip between Cartagena to Barranquilla, the old way will be conforming to a one line of a double carriageway.

The Colombian Government want to warranty a minimum intervention in the mangle ecosystem for that reason special measures will be take, one of this is to build a special structure in wall of the return. The Synthetic sheet pile in reinforced fiber glass give a structural support, allowing to support the loads of the prefabricated beams and minimize the intervention in mangle zone, also its a solution with a the higher live, ideal for coastal zones were the steel sheet pile will be corroded.

The mangle zone is characterized by very soft soils clay and silt with high potential compression, for to can controlled the potential settlements the embankment fills back to synthetical sheet pile with and lightened fill. This fill is EPS bocks (Geofoams), which will be supported on a layer of multiaxial TRIAX® geogrid.

The wall with synthetic sheet piles was be designed as an anchored structure allowed reduce the total height in the single elements (maximum 11.38 m) and give the best economical and technical solution allowing respect the interest of the Colombian government to protect the mangrove ecosystem.

 Synthetic Sheet Pile, Geogrid, EPS Geofoam