Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 352-1


Evaluation of the confinement technique using a closed geotextile system to the dewatering of dredged sediments in the port of Rio Grande

1 FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande


The city of Rio Grande the extreme south of Brazil, received maintenance dredging operations in 2019 with the expected withdrawal of about 16 million cubic meters of sediment deposited in the port access channel. These operations aimed at increasing the depth of the channel from 12.8 meters to 14 meters, increasing the port capacity to receive vessels with greater draft, allowing ships up to 365 meters in length to access this. During the execution, the works were paralyzed several times in function of socioenvironmental issues such as the appearance of mud in the beach of the city. One of the possibilities indicated was the inadequate sea dumping area used in operations. The present study aims to evaluate the potential of the use of the dredged material retention technique in closed geotextiles (Geobags), aiming at the dewatering of the dredged sediments, thus allowing the disposal of the tailings on land for reuse of the material. For this, the Rapid Dewatering Test (RDT test) was used in order to evaluate the efficiency of the dewatering through the geotextile weft. Due to the ease of analysis, fast response time and good correlation with the total solids content, the efficiency control parameters used were: turbidity, apparent color, drained volume, drainage flow and loading time. The dewatering test has the objective of evaluating the application of the selected design and operation parameters in a reduced scale considering the efficiency of the dewatering system in terms of quantitative and qualitative aspects. It was also carried out a complete characterization of the sediment collected during the dredging, in order to evaluate its geotechnical characteristics and the behavior of this material in front of the proposed technique.

 Dredged sediments , Evaluation, Geobags, Geosynthetics, Rapid Dewatering Test