Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 337-1


Consideration of Rate Effect on Pullout Behavior for Geogrid Reinforced Soil Structures under Dynamic Loading

Yewei Zheng1, Woongju Mun1, Hsin-Chen Lu1, John McCartney1
1 UCSD - University of California San Diego


Geosynthetic reinforced soil (GRS) retaining structures have been widely used in high seismicity areas. Shear forces develop on the soil-geogrid interface at various strain rates during earthquake shaking, which may cause failure of geogrids due to tensile rupture or pullout. The isolated tensile behavior of geogrid is typically influenced by strain rate, especially for high density polyethylene (HDPE) geogrids, which makes the interpretation of dynamic tensile strains and corresponding tensile forces difficult. This paper presents an experimental study to investigate the effect of strain rate on the pullout behavior of an HDPE geogrid confined in compacted dry sand, and a comparison with uniaxial tensile tests performed with different strain rates. The pullout device incorporates standard elements such as roller grips, a motor for displacement-control pullout or creep testing, instrumentation for pullout force and internal displacement measurement. A series of pullout tests were performed under different strain rates, initial densities, and vertical stresses. Test results indicate that the effect of strain rate is not significant on the pullout behavior of geogrid for different initial densities and vertical stresses, contrary to the strain rate effect trends observed in the geogrid uniaxial tensile strength results and soil shear strength results.

 Geogrid, Pullout, Strain, Structures, Seismic