Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 336-2


Revestimiento de canales con sistema celular y concreto lanzado en proyectos mineros

Gustavo Fierro1
1 TDM - Tecnologia de Materiales S.A.


There has been an important development in the use of cellular systems for channel revetment. In the case of mining and the location and topographic configuration, the management of rainwater or other fluids that need to be conducted in an open manner, have benefited with the introduction of this technique.


To date, great quantities of geocell channels revetments have been built that exceed more than 1000 km of channels in many mining units in Peru since the beginning at the end of the 1990s. Also thousand of kilometers were done too in many mining projects in South America.


Currently the lack of physical space and the needing for cost improvement in construction, has led to the application of an interesting variant that has proved to be very useful for the desired purpose that is the use of a Geocell System with Shotcrete.


It is discuss how a wire mesh and shotcrete is replaced with Geocell and shotcrete follow by a cost and execution time reduction.


It will be explained a methodology to determine the right Geocell and how to determine stability during construction and in service life. Actually geocells do not require stakes for channel revetments and this leads the use in small and big discharge channels in subcritical and supercritical schemes.


This is a modern way to use geocells in minning, agriculture, energy and urban projects.


The theory and details that regulate this type of applications are presented in the paper.

 Geocell, Channel Revetment, Shotcrete, Hydraulics, Geosynthetics