Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 336-1


Metodología de Diseño para Coberturas de Cierre de Mina

Gustavo Fierro1
1 TDM - Tecnologia de Materiales S.A.


A methodology approach is proposed for mine closure design, considering the long-term physical, chemical and biological stability criteria. The challenge of a comprehensive vision of the solution to this problem focuses on providing quantifiable solutions that ensure the long-term behavior of the coverage.


In this way we move from a qualitative solution to a quantitative version of the problem. For this purpose, the state of the art is used in multiple disciplines that have left valuable information in the last two decades, but until now not oriented to the integral vision of the problem. Research from many authors from 1990´s till now are structured in a comprehensive way, so the engineering can follow with detail all the assumptions and cosiderations for a specific design.


The problem is divided in two solutions, one including the use of geosynthetics as the core solution and the other including vegetation as solution with degradable geosynthetics.


The solution with geosynthetics focus in the needing to warrant waterproofing as a chemical stability for long term, and the use of a compound of Geocell and Tensor to achive and assure great physical stability for the cover soil and drainage; considering desing will support seismic, rain and a mixture of that effects for hundreds of years.


The solution with vegetation and degradable geosynthetics focus in plant species as the great element to achive long term stabilization, but with the help the first decades of degradable geosynthetics that will provide physical stabilization for cover soil.


It will be explained with expressions and examples the application for this methodology who is actually used in many projects in minning projects in South America.

 Mine Closure, Geocell, Geomembrane, Erosion, Environment