Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 327-1


Settlement evolution in railroad embankment over Soft Soil - comparison between instrumentation and bidimensional FEM modelling

Julia Carapiá1, Alessandra Freitas1, Marcos Barreto1
1 UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


This work aims to show a settlement analysis during an embankment construction on a soft soil. The construction was a railroad embankment next to a preexistent embankment. This study evaluated vertical displacement data of a section settlement monitoring compared to the results of PLAXIS 2D program. It uses finite elements method approach to calculate the soil behaviour.
This works presents the evaluation of the pre-existent embankment influence, model geometry variations and changes in soil's parameters in the results.

 embankment, soft soils, finite elements, PLAXIS 2D, settlements