Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 318-1


Application of geosynthetics solutions in the construction of El Salitre artificial beach - Chile

Edwin Fernando Ruiz Blanco1, M. Wilke1


This paper describes the main technical aspects of the implementation of the coastal protection structures (i.e. groins) designed as a part of the erosion control systems for the artificial beach El Salitre, located in the city of Tocopilla, Chile. The project aimed to reclaim a coastal area located in front of the downtown city, creating a new recreational and tourist location. Based on a rigorous technical study that included the evaluation of several potential constructive alternatives, geosynthetic systems (geotextile tubes and scouring control mats) were designed for the conformation of the core of the coastal protection structures. That solution allowed not only the permanent confinement and reuse of the sandy material available in the area, but also it prevented the treatment and final disposal of this material. The main challenges in terms of design and construction phases of the project will be described, making special emphasis on the methodologies used for the appropriate selection of the geosynthetic materials. It will be also presented all the complementary technical solutions implemented in the project prior and during construction in order to face the complex hydraulic natural conditions (tidal and currents) presented in the area.

 Coastal protection, Geotextile tube, Groins