Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 295-1


Emergency recovery of Macumba Beach, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, using synthetic structure composed of tubular and flat textile bags.

Pedro Henrique Marcondes1,2, Sergio Pacheco Gomes2,1
1 HUESKER - Huesker , 2 GALBEG - Galbeg Grouting


This article describes the works carried out in an emergency on Macumba beach in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro / RJ. The problem arose after the El Niño and La Niña effects in previous years that in 2017 caused a strong change in the currents regime, causing an excessive withdrawal of sand from the beach, causing damages to the buildings along the edge of the beach. As an immediate solution, tubular formwork made with fabric geotextile and filled with colloidal mortar and flat sheets made with geotextile fabric and non-woven geotextile filled with colloidal mortar or sand, were installed in the protection structure and erosion control. In the existing containment walls, Jet Grouting was implanto to guarantee the stability of the same ones. The work was indebted in 3 stretches along the length of the beach, alternating the geometry and the flat form of the base installed in the minimum tide quota, time made with Nonwoven Geotextile and filled with sand and time made with Geotextile Fabric with double layer of woven geotextile connected by spacers that determine the fill thickness and strips which provide the structure a degree of flexibility for accommodation in eventual movements in the base, filled with colloidal mortar. At the end of the implementation of the rockfill structure, a landfill / backfill was performed, returning the beach to the aesthetics requested in the project. The construction period was 6 months (October / 2017 - March 2018), and this emergency phase was successfully completed. Continuity of the work is being studied by the Secretary of Conservation and Environment of Rio de Janeiro, since new interventions are necessary for the final solution.

 Recovery Beach, Synthetic rockfill, Textile forms