Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 289-1


Mechanical behavior of iron tailings mine improved with organic polymer and polypropylene fibers

Carneiro, A. de A. 1,2, Silva, N.A.B.S.1, Casagrande, M.D.T1
1 UNB - Universidade de Brasília, 2 UFPI - Universidade Federal do Piaui


The study on stabilization, whether soil or tailings, has been increasing. The lack of adequate material on site, the need to take advantage of existing materials and reduce environmental impact, has led to the use of soil improvement techniques. The minerals are mixed with different elements inside the rocks, and can be removed by different mechanical and chemical processes intention to sell to several companies. The elements with no commercial value usually constitute the highest percentage of minerals constituent of the rocks, therefore when removing the minerals of interest are generated large amounts of material considered as mining tailings. The storage form of these tailings is determined by the type of material, site topography and existing environmental conditions. The economically most attractive method for the constructor is the raising by the upstream method. However, the low constructive control makes this method critical mainly in relation to safety. The addition of polymers and polypropylene fibers, in conventional landfills and stabilization of slopes, and concomitantly the improvement of the same, with an increase in resistance parameters. When applied properly, the polymer application becomes a strong stabilizer in unpaved roads, pavements base, slope protection, and as a sealant and erosion control. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of iron mine tailings, the influence of polymer content, the curing time and the mechanical behavior of the composites with polymer and fibers. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate the effect of polymer and polypropylene fibers on the tailings mine. Through the analysis of the results, improvements were observed in the strength parameters of the tailings composites with addition of polymers and fibers, in comparison to the parameters of the tailing mine samples. The analysis of the results it was observed the occurrence of a defined peak strength was observed in the specimens with fibers insertion and this was more accentuated for higher confinement tensions. In the samples submitted to curing, the small confining tension presented the tendency of strength increases. The fibers requirement was small for lower shear stresses and cure time. After insertion of fibers, there was an increase in the angle of friction and reduction in cohesion. In conclusion, improvements were observed in the strength parameters of composites of tailings with addition of polymers and fibers, in comparison to the parameters of the tailings samples. The applicability of polymers and polypropylene fibers is shown as an alternative to improve the geotechnical behavior of the studied iron mining tailings.

 Polymer, Polypropylene fibers, Iron tailing mine