Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 264-1


Installation of geomembranes on panels in low heights slopes.



One of the good practices for the installation of geomembranes is the recommendation that when installing then on a slope, the welds are always perpendicular to the edge of the slope, to reduce the tension on the welds, and following the same line, the welds of the slope with those of the bottom should be made at a distance of at least 1,00 m, from the encounter of the slope with the bottom and this welding should be done in the region of the bottom: the reason to avoid welding at that point (encounter of slope and bottom) is that it is a region where great tension occurs.

We find that in pratice, in many projects where the slopes are at a height of 3,00 m or less, the rules described above are not used, perhaps because the tensions encountered are very small and do not affect the welds. This occurs mainly in ponds that use pre-fabricated panels with PVC geomembranes: Panels are placed in the same direction, starting at one slope and finishing at the other, and as it is possible to make panels with more than 300.00 m length, this avoids the need for cross-welding in most cases, avoiding triple points of welding, and also greatly increase the speed of installation. For ponds smaller than 400.00 m² (our internal data), in many cases they are already carried out at the factory, in the correct size of the pond, thus completely eliminating the need for welding in the field.

 geomembrane installation, panels, low heights slope