Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 262-1


The application of Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) beneath water in a highly seismic area for the construction of an up to 22 m high embankment

Prof.2, Dr.-Ing.1
1 HS - HUESKER Synthetic GmbH, 2 GMU - George Mason University


This paper describes a geotechnical construction project in the central Turkish region of Kirsehir. The project comprises the construction of a highway link incorporating the widening and upgrading of existing roads, the formation of embankments and cuttings as well as the construction of a 430 m long embankment across an existing reservoir. This latter embankment had to be formed over deep, soft deposits of clay, silts and sand lenses and is supported on a Geotextile Encased Columns, (GECs). The unique aspect of the project is that this is the first time anywhere in the world that GEC construction has been carried out from, and installed below water.


The construction of this section of highway has been a historically challenging one due to the difficulty in crossing the section of open water as well as the potential earthquake hazard. Previous designs had proposed either a bridge structure on pile foundations or an end tipped rock fill embankment. The design of pile foundations was not possible because the extremely soft alluvial deposit could not provide the necessary lateral stability. As a result both proposals were found to be either too expensive or technically inadequate for the constraints of the site.


The project environment, construction problems and typical solutions are described, as well as design and calculation philosophy and methods, with typical cross-sections and photographs illustrating the specific points. In respect to the hazard of earthquake loading, the behavior of GEC’s under seismic loading will be discussed and research results will be presented.

 Geotextile Encased Columns, Earthquake, Embankment, Geotextile, Installation below water