Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 249-1


New Standard Practice for Electrical Leak Location of Covered Geomembranes

Abigail Gilson-Beck1, Julio Ferreira1
1 TRI - TRI Environmental South America


It has been over fifteen years since the publication of the first version of ASTM D7007 for the standard practice for locating leaks in installed geomembranes covered with liquid and/or earthen material. This first version of the standard remains largely unchanged since its publication and is now outdated with the advancement of the practices and the development of new technologies. Some of the issues with ASTM D7007 include: (i) the standard D7007 includes little information on how to properly prepare a site for a dipole survey, despite the fact that the effectiveness of the dipole survey is primarily a function of site conditions, which are widely variable. (ii) The procedures of the standard for calculating the leak detection distance (LDD), which is used to determine measurement density; do not fully incorporate the procedures needed to effectively locate a real hole in the liner. (iii) The procedures of ASTM D7707 are also not effective in controlling the survey extent and precision of measurement locations. (iv) Finally, the ASTM D7007 requires only general survey parameters to be presented in the dipole survey report and providing survey data in the report is optional and it may be only with raw data files. Accordingly, a new standard practice incorporating new technologies, such as GPS-based data acquisition and voltage mapping, and improved methodologies was approved by the ASTM committee D35 in June 2019. The update of the ASTM D7007 standardize practices that have greatly improved the effectiveness of dipole surveys, making them more precise, accurate and transparent. This paper details the new standard practice, in particular how it differs from current one. Case studies are presented, showing how the new practice improves the effectiveness of locating leaks and the documentation that the methods were applied thoroughly and properly.

 ASTM D7007, Covered Geomembranes, Dipole Survey, Electrical Leak Location ( ELL ), Mining