Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 236-1


Validation of HydroGeosphere code to simulate contaminants transfers through Composite Liners with a Single Hole in the Geomembrane

Dr2, Dr2, Dr1
1 IRSTEA - Irstea, 2 ISSAT - University of Sousse


The Migration of inorganic contaminants through a single hole in a geomembrane (GMB) in direct contact with a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) and an adjacent silty sand is simulated using the HydroGeosphere numerical code. The hole in the GMB is 0.01 m in diameter and the hydraulic heads applied are equal to 0.3 and 1 m. Numerical simulations were performed in order to reach complete diffusion of a specific concentration of NaCl into the GCL and the soil liner. Obtained results of NaCl concentrations through the GCL and the soil liner are compared with existing results in order to validate the code for contaminants transfers through a single hole in the GMB. Simulations results of relative concentrations C/C0 with time are in good agreement with the theoretical curve for advection-diffusion transport. Furthermore, obtained results of contaminant concentrations agree well with observed values. The use of the HydroGeosphere numerical code thus seems to be a possible new tool to give good predictions of effluent concentration with time and chloride distribution in the aquifer.

 contaminant modeling, geomembranes, geosynthetic clay liner, geosynthetics, Hydrogeosphere