Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 235-1


Experimental Investigations on Footings supported on soft clay beds reinforced with strength enhanced Jute Geogrids

Dr.Deendayal Rathod1, Mr.Shakeel Abid1
1 NIT, TRICHY - National Institute of Technology,


This manuscript deals with the experimental investigations which were carried out to explore the possibility of enhancing the performance of conventional Jute geogrid, by according a coating of bitumen. Efforts have been made to enhance the potentiality of conventional Jute geogrid in increasing bearing capacity of soil, by coating it with a layer of soft bitumen. On hardening of bitumen, the resulting product of, bitumen coated Jute geogrid was found to perform much better than the conventional Jute geogrid and commercial geogrids. Investigations were also done on 3-dimensional cells formed with bitumen coated Jute geogrid. Laboratory plate load tests were conducted on sand bed reinforced with a) conventional Jute geogrid b) bitumen coated Jute geogrid, and c) 3-dimensional cells formed with bitumen coated jute geogrid. Results from laboratory tests illustrated an increase of bearing capacity by 50% and 30%; when bitumen coated Jute geogrid replaced conventional Jute geogrids and commercial Geogrids. The bearing capacity was found to be 1.5 times when bitumen coated Jute geogrids were used in the form of 3-dimensional cells. A substantial reduction in settlement has also been observed. Analysis of stress concentration on a horizontal plane implied, the stress transferred below the reinforcing materials is very minimal when compared to that above the reinforcing material.

 Jute Geogrid, Bitumen coating, 3-dimensional cells, Bearing capacity, Soft clay