Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 212-1


Project of the Highest Segmental Block Wall in Brazil

1 ENGECORPS - Engecorps Engenharia S.A., 2 HUESKER - Huesker Ltda


This paper presents the main aspects considered in the conception and design of the highest segmental block wall in Brazil, to enlarged and install a new toll in Tamoios,Road, in the city of Paraibuna - SP.

For the construction of this contention, a wall was designed in soil reinforced with PVA geogrids and face in segmental blocks, with length of the order of 250 m and maximum height of approximately 25 m. This being the highest reinforced soil with face system in segmental blocks Terrae type in Brazil.

In addition to the challenges related to the study and design of a reinforced wall of this magnitude, the local geological characteristics, with the presence of soft soils (low bearing capacity) in the foundation, the highway operating during the construction phases and the extremely tight executive schedule, make this work unique.

The final numbers reflect the magnitude of this work, which was treated the soil foundation with stone columns in an area of approximately 2.500 m², excavations of slopes that resulted in gaps of up to 25 m, installation of approximately 120.000 m² of PVA geogrids of high resistance (from 35 to 200 kN/m), 5.000 m² of face in Terrae-W blocks. The compacted fill was built with local soil, with 60.000 m³ of reinforced soil within a total volume of 130,000m³ to construction the wall in reinforced soil.

The technical design of reinforced soil wall was developed by Engecorps Engenharia S.A., and the work, executed in a period of less than 6 months, was conducted under the supervision of Nova Tamoios Concessionary.

 reinforced, wall, blocks, geogrid, highest