Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 190-2


Hydraulic behavior of unsaturated nonwoven geotextiles under hydrostatic pressure tests

Rodrigues1, Oliveira1, Tomazoni Santos2, Vidal1
1 ITA - Technological Institute of Aeronautics, 2 UFPR - Federal University of Parana


Geotextiles have been widely used in geotechnical and environmental engineering applications for separation, filtration and drainage. However, the literature reports that geotextiles do not behave well as a drainage material in some situations. This observation can be regarded to the fact that geotextiles are made predominantly of polypropylene and polyester whose hydrophobic properties are well known. Geotextiles are primarily used in drainage applications undergo to hydraulic loads that lead to fast overcoming of the surface tension of water. Nevertheless, in some particular applications, as capillary barriers and leak-detection systems, geotextiles may perform for a considerable time in an unsaturated condition, or drying and wetting cycles may imply accumulation of water on the geotextile surface. While the saturated hydraulic properties and saturated flow behavior of geosynthetics textiles are well understood and saturated properties are controlled and provide by manufacturers (e.g. DIN EN 13252 2000), the unsaturated hydraulic properties and unsaturated flow behavior of geotextiles are scarcely discussed on the literature. One particular point that deserves further study is the penetration processes of a water droplet into a pore. Hence, the aim of this paper is to discuss the hydraulic behavior of unsaturated geotextiles from hydrostatic pressure tests, performed in accordance with the EN 13652:2000 (Determination of resistance to penetration by water). This test allows the measurement of the hydraulic load required to trigger the waterflow through geotextile and the corresponding wet area. This process is governed by many geotextile intrinsic characteristic beyond polymer, as geotextile structure and the manufacturing process, whose influence will be evaluated.

 fabric influence, geotextiles, resistance to penetration by water, unsaturated condition