Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 175-1


Predicting HDPE OIT ageing performance from a revised short duration test

Mr2, Mr3
1 G - Fairhead, 2 INSTALLER - Fabtech, 3 LABORATORY - TRI Australasia


Increasingly engineers are seeking to independently verify HDPE Polyethylene geomembrane durability characteristics by testing oxidative induction time before and after accelerated ageing of the material. This is typically carried out according to GRI GM13 where 80% of the baseline duration must be achieved after 90 days of ageing is required. The whole process from product ordering, to manufacture, to shipment, to site sampling and testing is likely to exceed 4 months. This obviously has a significant impact on project time lines and introduces a level of risk which is unacceptable to many clients and installers.

This paper reports on studies undertaken to refine the high-pressure oxidative induction time test process to allow this material durability indicator to be characterised in a shorter period. Different sample preparation procedures were examined. The study included assesses the response of different HDPE material formulations and skin conditions to the test procedure. A proposed alternative durability test process is proposed for consideration.

 Durability, Oven aging, HPOIT