Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 148-1


Field and laboratory time-dependent behaviors of nonwoven geotextiles in reinforced soil walls

Plácido1,3, Portelinha2, Futai1
1 USP - Universidade de São Paulo, 2 UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 3 INTERACT - Interact Engenharia


Laboratory and field investigation of time-dependent behavior of nonwoven geotextiles reinforcing a fine-grained soil wall are evaluated in this paper. The reinforced soil structure, with a total height of about 10m was monitored using tell-tales at three different heights. Monitoring was performed for a period of approximately 5 years. In addition, in-isolation and confined creep tests were carried out in order to simulate in laboratory the instrumented reinforced wall. For each instrumented position, a confined creep test was performed with the corresponding confining tension. The combined analyzes of the field and laboratory results showed that the deformation levels ​​recorded in the field were very similar to those recorded in laboratory in-isolation tests. On the other hand, the creep rate were significantly lower in the confined creep tests. The results of the analyzes allowed to conclude that confined creep tests are great tools to predict the behavior of reinforced soil walls. The differences between the field monitoring and laboratory tests can be attributed to the fact that the field structure is subject to the influence of external variables such as climatic variation and severe anthropic variations.

 Geosynthetics, Nonwoven geotextile, Time-dependent, Creep strains, Reinforced soil wall