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GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 143-3


Bituminous Geomembranes (BGM), 15 years of presence in Mine construction in Latin America

Business Manager- Eastern North Americas1, Gerente de Negocios América Latina 1
1 COLETANCHE - Axter Coletanche Inc.


BGM 15 years of presence in Mine construction in South America

BGM is manufactured by impregnating a polyester geotextile and a fiberglass layer with an elastomeric bitumen compound.  The geotextile provides the mechanical resistance and the high puncture resistance (thus eliminating the need to use outside geotextiles for protection) and permits the traffic of tire-mounted equipment, during construction or maintenance. The bitumen provides the waterproofing properties of the geomembrane and ensures the longevity of BGM by protecting the geotextile fibers over the long run. BGM has a high friction angle compared to other types of geomembranes. This contributes to the stability of the heap pile. It also allows for steeper side slopes, thus reducing construction costs, for the storage of solid wastes and/or in case of excavation.

Examples of applications in South America in mining will be described, explaining why BGM was preferred in lieu of the usual polymeric geomembrane. Mainly due to providing a high puncture resistance, ability to be installed in very harsh weather conditions (wind, warm, cold…) and ease of installation. The projects to be described are for applications in:

  • Containment of solid wastes: test heap leach pads at Antamina copper mine in Peru, heap leach pad at Dolores silver mine in Mexico, the Barahona acid spoil dump at Codelco’s Teniente mine in Chile, Petcoke storage platform for Companhia Siderurgica Nacional in Brazil, tailings dam for Cerro Negro gold mine in Argentina for storage of sulfite wastes, La Granja mine in Peru, capping of mine waste at Furioso mine in Chile.
  • Containment of liquid wastes: tailings dam at Cerro Lindo mine in Peru, Chuspiri dam at Las Bambas mine in Peru, dam and water reservoir at Toromocho mine in Peru, processed water reservoir at Escobal mine in Guatemala, underwater repairs of HDPE liner at Antamina mine in Peru. At the end, we will explain the ease of repair even by the project owner personnel even under water in the event of accidental damage to the BGM.

Finally, economic benefits for the customer will be highlighted when selecting BGM due to its tolerance for rougher subgrade and cover materials and for extreme atmospheric conditions.

 Bituminous geomembrane, tailings, mine, waterproofing, heap leach