Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 111-1


Geogrid Reinforced Crusher Wall, with Face in Stones and Galvanized Articulated Meshes Facing - Quadratum - Nova Lacerda, MT

Marcondes, P H1, Andrade, E M1
1 HUESKER LTDA - Huesker Ltda


This paper presents a case study located in the city of Nova Lacerda, state of Mato Grosso, Brasil. The case consists of a crusher wall reinforced with geogrids, with facing filled with stones contained by a metallic galvanized and articulated mesh. The containment structure with a U-shaped geometry has a height of 6 m and a length of 49 m, with 25 m on the front and 12 m on each side. The geosynthetic reinforcement used in the structure was dimensioned according to references of the British Standard BS 8006, in addition to limit equilibrium analysis, considering the surcharges present at the top of the structure. The reinforcement of the wall was executed with polyester geogrids with nominal tensile strength in the main direction of 110 kN /m and 80 kN /m, both with maximum nominal strain of 10%. The galvanized metallic mesh was chosen for its durability, while the articulated system provided ease of installation, possibility of localized settlements and security. The containment structure was finalized in 2017, ensuring the success of the project, both to guarantee the required performance and the desired execution productivity.

 Containment, crusher wall, facing, geogrid, reinforced wall