Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 23-1


Performance of polymeric geomembranes in different mining solutions

Alves e Silva1
1 QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY - Queen’s University


Geomembranes are critical components in the design, construction, and operation of mining facilities such as heap leach pads, liquor ponds, tailings impoundments and waste rock facilities. Due to the nature of mining projects (normal stresses that may exceed 4 Mpa and very aggressive leaching solutions chemistries), the performance of geomembranes is pushed beyond the boundaries of typical liner designs and recommendations. Nevertheless, there is still a paucity of works in the scientific literature examining the performance of polymeric geomembranes in mining applications, particularly from the perspective of chemical compatibility. The present paper summarizes some of the mining work initiated at the GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC towards heap leach pads and tailings dams facilities. Results from an accelerated aging test program to evaluate the effect of low and high pH heap leaching solutions on the depletion of antioxidants from different polymeric geomembranes are reviewed, and the fundamentals of a pioneer aging study on tailings dams pore water are described.

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