Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 22-1


Base reinforcement for haul roads through the addition of polyethylene multidirectional rigid geogrids for a mine in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Cavalcante Yoshida3, Gomes Leopoldo3, dos Santos Barros3, Ferreira de Oliveira3, Centurión Panta1, Caressato Junior1
1 TDM - TDM Tecnologia de Materiais Brasil Ltda., 2 UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 3 AAB - Anglo American Brasil


The present work aims to present the technology of the multidirectional rigid geogrids, commonly used in highways, applied to the stabilization of haul truck accesses, in this case the Komatsu 830E-AC model, which transmit loads higher than 380.00 tons when loaded, and carry more than 240.00 m³ of ore per trip, in order to solve productivity problems in rainy season, when they are required to reduce the speed of operation due to lack of tire traction due to clayey surfaces saturated, which causes skidding in cases of traffic in high slopes, or even bogging down by deformations and undulations of the surface due to the presence of soft subsoils.

The mine plant is located in a region with a predominance of clayey soil that, when saturated, presents low support capacity. In an attempt to increase this capacity, improvements were made to rocky and sterile rock blocks that, during periods of drought, performed well, but with the arrival of rains, the blocks moved and surfaced to the surface generating imperfections and hindering vehicle traffic which, consequently, reduce the productivity of the mine and the durability of haul truck tires.

Through the characterization of the foundation soil and the materials available at the site of the mine for the construction of roads and the monitoring of the average traffic of surrounding haul trucks, a section made of 3 layers of geogrids type TX160, 2 layers of 0,40 m of tailings from the mine and an upper crushed layer of 25 to 42 mm, was proposed. This section was built in a test section of 75.00 m, and a 10% slope, which was subjected to intense tests, including maneuvers and braking of fully loaded haul trucks. These tests demonstrated better performance of the reinforced section compared to the control section, which translates into lower maintenance costs and greater efficiency in ore transportation, allowing the mine maintenance team to deploy this solution to other plant accesses.

 Geogrid, Polyethylene, Mining, Haul Road Design, Haul Truck