Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 17-2


Solution for road construction on soft ground

Anton Goncharov1, Pavel Razbegaev1, Gustavo Fierro2


At present, sufficient experience has been gained in the design and construction of roads with the use of three-dimensional polymer cells (geocells), in particular, on weak soils. One of the main building properties of geocells is their ability to maintain strength and carrying capacity. When under loads an uneven subsidence occurs, geocells bend and take the base surface shape, redistribute load over a large area and reduce subsidence unevenness.

However, normally geocells are made of HDPE with no additional reinforcement, and the material strength is usually determined by presence of secondary polyethylene and strip thickness. The main drawback of this is high elasticity of the material that can be up to 250%, thus geometry stability of the cells under loads cannot be maintained. As a result, we see filler material over-consumption and structure deformations.

Due to 20-years experience of working under different environmental conditions along the whole territory of Russia, including harsh temperatures in the North and unstable grounds in the South-East, PRESTORUS engineers have developed and already implemented a new product GEOCORD® that is, unlike traditional geocells, strengthened with extra high reinforcing fibers. This was made in order to obtain an additional safety margin and stability of the geometric characteristics, since polyethylene itself is stretches under pressure, temperatures and over time.

Now we would like to present a geocell for road construction – namely in structures that require high and uniform indicators of strength and durability – which, depending on thickness, may be more affordable or, at the same thickness, stronger, and will contribute to increase in the road life time

 geosynthetics, geocells, cellular confinement system, GEOCORD, road construction