Print Abstract

GeoAmericas - 2020
Abstract: 17-1


A proven technology for strengthening slopes prone to erosion, suffusion and wind impact

Anton Goncharov1, Pavel Razbegaev1, Gustavo Fierro2


As part of the research used to protect slopes from erosion with traditional three-dimensional geocells which known as Geocellular Confinement Systems (GCS’s), PRESTORUS engineers found 2 core problems: a) cell aggregate instability at inclined angles steeper than 45 degrees and b) aggregate being washed out from the cells when exposed to water flow. On the search for a solution to these problems, PRESTORUS has developed a new approach of geocell solution based on a slope collapse case in Russia.

The new concept of geocell which is weld-free polymer three-dimensional cell is introduced as GEOSTEP® made of polymer tape with transverse cuts and delivered to the place of installation in the form of rolls in order to facilitate transportation, storage and installation. GEOSTEP® is actively being introduced into hydrotechnical, road and civil construction not only in Russia, but also all over the world. The result of the successful experience of using GEOSTEP® can serve such objects: slope strengthening in an industrial park in Vietnam, slope reconstruction in Moscow, etc.

As a result of the active implementation of GEOSTEP®, technical and economic advantages were revealed in comparison with traditional three-dimensional geocells, reno mattresses, hydroseeding, and geomats. The main advantages of GEOSTEP® are: high soil fixation on a slope due to the cell walls being perpendicular to the horizon, improved drainage properties, reduced cost per square meter up to 50% compared to other materials used to strengthen slopes, accelerated installation process. Also, full-scale tests of GEOSTEP® (Moscow and India) were carried out, including in accordance with ASTM D 6459-15, the results of which have developed methods for selecting GEOSTEP® parameters for protecting slopes and for calculating structures.

 hydraulic engineering construction, road construction, geosynthetics, geocells, GEOSTEP